
Antidote for fruitlessness


Thursday November 19th, 2020 Meditate on John 15:2 CEV « He (Master Jesus) cuts away every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit. But he trims clean every branch that does produce fruit, so that it will produce even more fruit. » Read: Deuteronomy 7:12-15 NKJV 12 “Then it shall come to pass, because you listen to these judgments, and keep and do them, that the Lord your...

(Children) Jesus prays in the garden


Thursday November 19th, 2020 Memorize: John 14:31 « But the world must know that I love the Father. So I do exactly what the Father told me to do. » Read: Luke 22:39-46 Jesus and His disciples left the house and went to the Mount of Olives, a hill east of Jerusalem. When they arrived at their usual spot, Jesus said to the disciples, “Pray that you will not be overcome by temptation.” Then Jesus...

(Enfant) Jésus prie dans le jardin


Jeudi 19 Novembre 2020 À mémoriser: Jean 14:31 « Parce que j’aime le Père et Je (Jésus) fais tout ce que le Père m’a commandé » À lire: Luc 22: 39-46 Jésus et ses disciples quittèrent la maison où ils se trouvaient pour se rendre au Mont des Oliviers, une colline qui se trouve à l’est de Jérusalem. Lorsqu’ils arrivèrent à leur place habituelle, Jésus dit aux disciples: «Priez que vous...

Partakers of His suffering


Wednesday November 18th, 2020 Memorize: Matthew 5:10 GOD’S WORD® Translation (GWT) « Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing what God approves of. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them. » Read: Mark 10:29-30 New King James Versions (NKJV) 29 So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or...

(Children) ”I will die for you”


Wednesday November 18th, 2020 Memorize: John 15:13 « The greatest love a person can show is to die for his friends. » Read: John 13:21-26; John 13:33; John 13:36-38 After Jesus had washed the disciples’ feet, He told them that one of them was planning to betray Him (hand Him over to His enemies). The disciples stared at each other puzzled and confused. What did Jesus mean? Who would do such a...

(Enfant) ”Je mourrai pour toi”


Mercredi 18 Novembre 2020 À mémoriser: Jean 15:13 « Si quelqu’un donne sa vie pour ses amis, c’est la plus grande preuve d’amour. » À lire: Jean 13: 21-26; Jean 13:33; Jean 13: 36-38 Après avoir lavé les pieds de ces disciples, Jésus leur dit que l’un d’entre eux planifiait de le trahir (le remettre à ses ennemis). Les disciples, perplexes et confus se regardèrent entre eux. Que voulait...

(Children) Peter has his feet washed


Tuesday November 17th, 2020 Memorize: John 13:15 « I did this as an example for you. So you should serve each other just as I served you. » Read: John 13:1-10 While Jesus and the disciples were celebrating the Passover meal in an upstairs room, Jesus got up and wrapped a towel around His waist. He poured water into a bowl and went from one disciple to the next, washing their feet and drying them...

(Enfant) Pierre se fait laver les pieds


Mardi 17 Novembre, 2020 À mémoriser: Jean 13:15 « Je vous ai donné un exemple : ce que je vous ai fait, faites-le vous aussi en servant les autres.» À lire: Jean 13: 1-10 Pendant que Jésus et les disciples célébraient le repas de Pâque dans une pièce de la maison, Jésus se leva et enroula une serviette autour de sa taille. Il versa de l’eau dans un bassinet et passa d’un disciple à...

(Children) The Passover meal


Monday November 16th, 2020 Memorize: 1 Corinthians 11:26 « Communion means that every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are telling others about the Lord’s death until He comes again » Read: Luke 22:7-20 Jesus sent Peter and John ahead to prepare a room for the Passover meal. He told them that they’d meet a man carrying a water jar who would lead them to a house with a large room...

The King-Servant


Monday November 16th, 2020 Meditate on Mark 10:44 GWT « Whoever wants to be most important among you will be a slave for everyone » Read Matthew 20:25-28 GWT 25 Jesus called the apostles and said, “You know that the rulers of nations have absolute power over people and their officials have absolute authority over people.  26 But that’s not the way it’s going to be among you...

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