
(Children) Too many


Wednesday April 07th, 2021 Memorize: 1 Samuel 17:47 « David said to Goliath: “Everyone gathered here will know the Lord does not need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to him! And he will help us defeat all of you. » Read: Judges 7:1-8 Now that God had given Gideon a clear sign that He would give him victory over the Midianite, Gideon and his men got up early the next day and...

(Children) Just checking


Tuesday April 06th, 2021 Memorize: James 1:5 « But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. God is generous. He enjoys giving to all people, so God will give you wisdom. » Read: Judges 6:36-40 Gideon wanted to make very sure that God wanted him to rescue the Israelite from their enemies. He said to the Lord, “I will put a sheep skin on the ground outside tonight. In the...

(Children) A daring act


Monday April 05th, 2021 Memorize: Matthew 5:8 « Great blessings belong to those whose thoughts are pure. They will be with God. »  Read: Judges 6:25-32 The Lord’s angel had told Gideon that God would use him to rescue the Israelite from their enemies. That evening, the angel told him to take two bulls and go and destroy his father’s altar to the heathen god, Baal. The Lord also told him to...

(Children) Bread from Heaven


Sunday April 04th, 2021 Memorize: John 6:57-58 « Jesus said to them:   “The Father sent me. He lives, and I live because of him. So everyone who eats me will live because of me. I am not like the bread that your ancestors ate. They ate that bread, but they still died. I am the bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. » Read: Exodus 16:1-6; Exodus...

(Enfant) Pain du ciel


Dimanche 04 Avril, 2021 À mémoriser: Jean 6: 57-58 Jésus leur dit: « Le Père qui m’a envoyé a la vie en Lui-même, et c’est Lui qui me fait vivre; c’est pour cela, ceux et celles qui se nourrissent de Moi, vivront eux aussi par Moi. Ceci est le pain descendu du ciel. Il n’est pas comme celui que vos ancêtres ont mangé; eux ils sont morts, mais ceux et celles qui se nourrissent de ce pain vivra...

(Children) Bitter water


Saturday April 03rd, 2021 Memorize: Hebrews 12:15  « Make sure that no one among you failed to receives God’s grace, for without grace we might become bitter and cause trouble. » Read: Exodus 15:22-25 After the Israelite had crossed the Red Sea, Moses led them into the desert of Shur. They had been walking for three days but had not found a drop of water. They came to place called Marah, but...

(Enfant) Les eaux amères


Samedi 03 Avril 2021 À mémoriser: Hébreux 12:15  « Il faut faire attention à ce que personne ne soit privé de la grâce de Dieu. Sans la grâce de Dieu, on risque de développer de l’amertume, ce qui causera beaucoup de problème …» À lire: Exode 15: 22-25 Après que les Israélites eurent traversé la mer Rouge, Moïse les conduisit dans le désert de Shur. Ils marchèrent pendant trois jours...

(Children) Giving thanks


Friday April 02nd, 2021 Memorize: Psalms 100:4  « Enter through the gates of God’s Temple giving thanks to Him. Always give thanks to Him and praise His name all the time » Read: Exodus 15:1-5; Exodus 15:20-21 When all the Israelite had passed though the sea on dry ground, the Egyptians chased after them with their horses and chariots. But the Lord made the wheels of their chariots get stuck, and...

(Enfant) Être reconnaissant


Vendredi 02 Avril, 2021 À mémoriser: Psaumes 100: 4  « Entrez dans le temple de Dieu avec des chants de louanges. Il faut louez le Seigneur, il faut toujours Le remercier pour tout ce qu’Il fait dans nos vies » À lire: Exode 15: 1-5; Exode 15: 20-21 Lorsque touts les Israélites avaient fini de traverser la mer Rouge à pied sec, les Égyptiens décida de les poursuivre avec leurs chevaux et leurs...

(Enfant) A wall of water


Thursday April 01st, 2021 Memorize: Luke 4:12 « Jesus answered them and said, “it is written in the Bible: ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’ » Read: Exodus 14:15-22 The Lord told Moses to stretch out his special stick towards the sea. Immediately, a strong wind started blowing from the east, and the sea divided, making a path right across from the one side to the other. Meanwhile, the angel...

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