A promotion in the problem


Friday December 08th, 2023

1 Some time later the armies of Moab and Ammon, together with their allies, the Meunites, invaded Judah.

Some messengers came and announced to King Jehoshaphat: “ A large army from Edom has come from the other side of the Dead Sea to attack you. They have already captured Hazazon Tamar.” (This is another name for Engedi.) 

Jehoshaphat was frightened and prayed to the Lord for guidance. Then he gave orders for a fast to be observed throughout the country. 

From every city of Judah people hurried to Jerusalem to ask the Lord for guidance, 

and they and the people of Jerusalem gathered in the new courtyard of the Temple. King Jehoshaphat went and stood before them 

and prayed aloud, “O Lord God of our ancestors, you rule in heaven over all the nations of the world. You are powerful and mighty, and no one can oppose you. 

You are our God. When your people Israel moved into this land, you drove out the people who were living here and gave the land to the descendants of Abraham, your friend, to be theirs forever. 

They have lived here and have built a temple to honor you, knowing 

that if any disaster struck them to punish them—a war, an epidemic, or a famine—then they could come and stand in front of this Temple where you are worshiped.

They could pray to you in their trouble, and you would hear them and rescue them.

10 “Now the people of Ammon, Moab, and Edom have attacked us.

When our ancestors came out of Egypt, you did not allow them to enter those lands, so our ancestors went around them and did not destroy them. 

11 This is how they repay us—they come to drive us out of the land that you gave us. 

12 You are our God! Punish them, for we are helpless in the face of this large army that is attacking us.

We do not know what to do, but we look to you for help.”

13 All the men of Judah, with their wives and children, were standing there at the Temple. 

14 The spirit of theLord came upon a Levite who was present in the crowd. His name was Jahaziel son of Zechariah; he was a member of the clan of Asaph and was descended from Asaph through Mattaniah, Jeiel, and Benaiah. 

15 Jahaziel said, “Your Majesty and all you people of Judah and Jerusalem, the Lord says that you must not be discouraged or be afraid to face this large army. The battle depends on God, not on you. 

16 Attack them tomorrow as they come up the pass at Ziz. You will meet them at the end of the valley that leads to the wild country near Jeruel. 

17 You will not have to fight this battle. Just take up your positions and wait; you will see the Lord give you victory. People of Judah and Jerusalem, do not hesitate or be afraid. Go out to battle, and the Lord will be with you!”

18 Then King Jehoshaphat bowed low, with his face touching the ground, and all the people bowed with him and worshiped the Lord. 

19 The members of the Levite clans of Kohath and Korah stood up and with a loud shout praised the Lord, the God of Israel.

20 Early the next morning the people went out to the wild country near Tekoa. As they were starting out, Jehoshaphat addressed them with these words: “People of Judah and Jerusalem! Put your trust in the Lord your God, and you will stand your ground. Believe what his prophets tell you, and you will succeed.” 

21 After consulting with the people, the king ordered some musicians to put on the robes they wore on sacred occasions and to march ahead of the army, singing: “Praise the Lord! His love is eternal!”

22 When they began to sing, the Lord threw the invading armies into a panic. 

23 The Ammonites and the Moabites attacked the Edomite army and completely destroyed it, and then they turned on each other in savage fighting.

24 When the Judean army reached a tower that was in the desert, they looked toward the enemy and saw that they were all lying on the ground dead. Not one had escaped.

25 Jehoshaphat and his troops moved in to take the loot, and they found many cattle, supplies, clothing, and other valuable objects. They spent three days gathering the loot, but there was so much that they could not take everything. 

26 On the fourth day they assembled in Beracah Valley and praised the Lord for all he had done. That is why the valley is called “Beracah.”

While many people see mountains as stumbling blocks, we as Christians should consider them as mere stepping stones to the top.

There was once a young king who loved the Lord and was sold out to God completely, so the Lord decided to bless him. God got three wealthy kings to attack this young king and when he heard about the impending attack, he ran to God.

Father, what have I done that all these problems are surrounding me?

Someone reading this devotional is asking God this same question.

Don’t worry, all your problems will lead to great testimonies in the mighty name of Jesus.

God told the young king This battle is not for you to fight, but to store up riches. You just praise me on your way to the battleground, taking along wheel barrows. I have a surprise waiting for you there.

The young king gathered his people and praised God like never before as they approached the battlefield. God then told the three kings Now begin to kill one another.

The three kings wiped out one another completely and left all the wealth they came with for this young king.

It took him and his army of worshipers three days to transport it all back home. His name was Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20:1-37 ).

There was also a small boy called David. A giant problem had risen up against his nation and everyone was afraid.

He had no fear because he recognized that this one was a promotional problem.

When he was assured that solving the problem would guarantee his promotion, he faced it head on in the name of the God of Israel Jehovah Nissi.

Within minutes, the giants head was in his hands and he had become even more popular than the king of the nation.

One similarity between these two is that they praised the name of God.

If you want all your problems to cause a promotion for you, spend good time praising the name of the Lord today. Sing like David in Psalm 9:1 NKJV

Application – Praise turns problems to promotions.

Author – Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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