Wednesday August 21st, 2024

7 Wisdom is supreme; so acquire wisdom. And whatever you may acquire, gain understanding.

8 Prize her, and she will exalt you; if you embrace her, she will honor you.

9 She will set a garland of grace on your head; she will present you with a crown of beauty.”

Psalm 127:3 says that children are the heritage of the Lord; in other words, they belong to the Lord and we are only their caretakers.

It is important then that as a caretaker, you take good care of what has been placed in your hands.

You must teach your children not to be fools, or else, you would have failed as a parent.

Our memory verse today describes wisdom as the ‘principal thing’ and then proceeds to instruct us to obtain it along with understanding.

  • This implies that wisdom must be sought, hence the call to teach our children and wards to seek it.
  • Since wisdom is the correct application of knowledge, you must teach them to study and acquire knowledge.

Don’t let your children spend all day watching television and playing games.

They must study; nobody becomes great without studying.

It is how hard you have studied that will determine how high you will go.

It doesn’t matter how a child starts, it doesn’t matter how poor the parents are; if that child studies and works hard, he or she will stand with kings. If you don’t believe me, find a way to read about my background and then compare it to where I am today.

I pray for your children: they will not end up as failures in Jesus’ name.

You however, have a part to play for that prayer to be answered; you must teach them to study.

You may say, “Oh, it doesn’t matter if they study or not, I am already preparing their inheritance; they will never lack anything”. You had better not fool yourself.

Only a wise child can manage resources correctly.

I pray that your children will not destroy your legacy when you are gone, in Jesus’ name.

Application – Remove everything around your children that distracts them from studying and create a schedule that will ensure they study more than they play.

Author – Bishop Enoch Adejare Adeboye; General Overseer of the RCCG

Edited by Naomie Joseph

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