Monday August 19th, 2024

11 “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd sacrifices His life for the sheep. 

12 A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. 

13 The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and doesn’t really care about the sheep.

14 “I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me, 

15 just as my Father knows me and I know the Father. So I sacrifice my life for the sheep.

When Jesus was physically leaving the earth, He assured His disciples that he would never leave them, that He would always be with them until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

This gives us – His disciples, great comfort.

If He had not said until the end of the age, you would wonder if He was protecting us now from all the evil in the world.

However, He said His protection will continue until the end of the age.

He assures us in Isaiah 60:2NKJV

Although there is much chaos in the world, there is no need to panic.

If you are truly a child of God, Jesus already assured us in John 16:33 that although there may be tribulations in the world, we should be cheerful because He has overcome the world.

In 2 Kings 6:14-17, Elisha’s servant was afraid when he saw an entire army surrounding them, ready to attack. Elisha however, was relaxed because he knew that the One protecting him was far greater than the army outside his city. He prayed for God to open the servant’s eyes and when the young man saw the number of heavenly soldiers who were on their side, he became relaxed too.

Only those who are truly children of God are safe in the secret place of the Most High God (Psalm 91:1).

Prayer focus – Heavenly Father, help me to continually dwell in Your secret place, so that I may constantly abide under the shadow of Your protection, in Jesus’ name.

Author – Bishop Enoch Adejare Adeboye; General Overseer of the RCCG

Edited by Naomie Joseph

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