(Children) Blood on the doorpost


Monday March 29th, 2021

Memorize: Exodus 12:14

« You must always remember this day (Passover/Easter day) says the Lord. Celebrate it with a feast to the Lord. Your descendants are to honor the Lord with this feast from now on. »

Read: Exodus 12:1-7; Exodus 12:12-13

God told Moses;

« Every Israelite family must choose a lamb or young goat that has no spot or fault. On the fourteenth day of the month, every family must kill the animal and put some of the blood on the doorposts and above the door. They must roast the meat and eat it together with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast. They must eat the meal quickly and be dressed and ready to leave at any time. »

The Lord said,

« On that night, I will go through the land of Egypt and take the life of the oldest son in every house except the houses where blood has been sprinkled on the doorposts and above the door. »

What is the Passover?

The word Passover describes how the Lord passed over the houses where the blood of the lamb had been sprinkled on the doorframes. Everyone inside a house where the blood had been sprinkled would be free from the curse of death.

From that night on, God’s people remembered the Passover night by having a Passover feast every year to honor the Lord.

God told His people how they should prepare the feast and what they should eat.

The lamb would remind them of how the blood protected them as the Lord passed over the houses.

The bitter herbs would remind them of the bitterness and hardship they had faced as slaves.

The bread made without yeast would remind them that there wasn’t enough time to wait for the bread to rise as they made their escape from Egypt that night.

Study questions

1 – In your own words, explain in detail what the Passover is.

2 – How do Christians celebrate Passover?

Author: Dave Strehler

Texte edited by Naomie

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